Providing Military Support Is a Great Way to Make A Difference in Today’s Current Political Climate

Your closets have never been cleaner and your cupboards have never been more organized.

You have always been a person who tends to stress clean, but these last few months have been ridiculous. You have the morning news cycle to either blame or thank for your latest cleaning efforts. After even listening for 30 minutes of the latest morning news, you have been opting to shut off the television, read a few headlines and articles online, and just start cleaning. By afternoon you are more relaxed and calm, taking time to write a well thought out letter to a local senator or representative, sometimes the governor. It is the stress cleaning, however, that helps you get your thought in order. Helps you turn what earlier in the day was anger and frustration aimed at the insanity of what has become today’s politics.

The decision to go through the storage space in the garage and donate items to a local group that provides military support allows you to be productive, while at the same time reframing and rethinking about the anger that is stirred up by those morning news casters.

Helping Families in Need Allows Many People to Put Their Own Concerns Aside

Whether it is the morning news cycle, stress about work, or worries about adult children, life can often seem overwhelming. Finding a way to contribute to the greater good, however, is often what many people need to keep things in perspective. You may not be able to solve the nation’s immigration woes, but you can make sure that the perfectly good athletic shoes that your children no longer wear are ready for the next clothing donations pick up time. You may not be able to control the way that your boss talks to your coworkers, but you might be able to provide military support to troops overseas with a charitable donation. You might not be able to convince your oldest son about the value of holding down a steady job, but you can look through your cupboards looking for household donations you can make.

As much as 80% of donated clothing in the U.S. is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, as well as for funding. Knowing that your efforts can not only clean your closet, but also help someone who is less fortunate is all the motivation that many people need. When you find a way to make a difference in your immediate community, through military support or another charity, the problems of the world seem less overwhelming.