It is Giving Tuesday.
A day that is set aside every year for people across the country to make donations for non profit organizations. From national organizations like the Red Cross to private universities and small charities that are only open for a day, the decision to make donations for non profit organizations on this particular day often comes with matching funds. On a day when you get a chance to make your donations count double, Giving Tuesday is one of the largest fundraising days that many organizations have.
What You Can Still Do When Wednesday Rolls Around
During the months of November and December many Americans are used to giving thanks for all that they have and for asking for gifts. During this time of the year, however, it is also a good idea to make sure that you think of those who are less fortunate. From families who cannot find enough warm clothes for their children to wear on the coldest of mornings to research projects that need extra funds, you do not have to wait until next year’s Giving Tuesday.
Every day of the year can be a giving day. And while the nation may focus its attention on making donations for non profit organizations this one day a year, the fact of the matter is that many groups need help every day of the year, not just this one Tuesday. Fortunately, 95.4% of Americans participate at some level of charitable giving. From making a weekly contribution to the church offering plate to making sure that you give to the local charities that are collecting hats, gloves, and coats for those in need, when Americans work together they can have a huge impact.
Veterans Charities Are a Worthwhile Place to Make Donations
From clothing donations to gifts of money, it is important that Americans consider giving to those who are in need. When some families have closets and dresser drawers that are overflowing, it seems especially unfair that there are families who cannot even find a warm coat for a child to wear to school when the temperatures drop below freezing. It is an encouraging statistic that in the year 2007, an estimated $5.8 billion worth of clothing related donations were made to charity foundations in the U.S. These clothes are not only going to someone in need, but the fact that they are donated means that these textiles are not filling already crowded landfills.
Organizations that pick up donations make it even easier for families to donate their unused clothing, textiles, and household items to those who are in need, even if it is not the official Giving Tuesday.