Going to a day spa, be it for a hair treatment and hair products, a facial, or a relaxing massage (alongside any number of other treatments), can be just the relaxing, invigorating day that you need. Millennials, who value self care more than any other generation, find spas to be rejuvenating and a valid way of taking care of oneself, shown by rates of over 50% of all millennials in the United States going to a day spa at least once per year. The spa industry in general has shown growth in response to this new focus on self care, increasing by 2% between the years of 2014 and 2015 alone. Revenue for the spa industry in that same year increased by a total of 5%.
Hair treatment as well as the recommendation of hair products is a popular service sought out at most days spas. Even without the recommendation of hair products, clients can learn how to best care for their hair and themselves through spa employees. Waxing services are also common at many day spas, as waxing is a common method of hair removal for many women and even some men. In fact, over 20% of people use waxing as their primary method of hair removal. Because waxing requires skill and practice in order to be done almost painlessly, it’s best to let a professional provide waxing services.
Massages are also commonly received at day spas. People get massages for many different reasons, from pain management to stress relief. A good massage can make you forget about your troubles, and different types of massage have different therapeutic purposes. Almost 30% of all people who receive some type of massage do it simply in order to relieve stress, but massages can also be done to help manage chronic pain conditions and have been shown to have some healing properties as well. No matter what the reason for a massage, many people find massages to be helpful in some way, as over 40 million adults in the United States alone get a massage every year.
From hair products to waxes, spa products have a large range. Spa supplies can be used to provide many different services and provide relaxation in many different ways. Some people prefer to get a massage, but others may require the services of a licensed esthetician to truly find relaxation and stress relief. It’s important to do your research before going to a day spa, so you can fully know what services will be offered you as well as how to budget your stay, even if it only for just a few hours. A trip to a day spa can be just what a person needs to forget about the stresses of every day life, and it can actually help to heal you both in body and mind.