Getting engaged is an incredibly special and important time in one’s live. It signifies that fact that you want to spend the rest of your life with another person – and that you’re ready and willing to do so. It’s a celebration of your love with that person as well, an event that marks the two of you as each other’s and no one else’s. Getting engaged is a moment that is truly magical, but there are certainly many things to consider leading up to it.
For one thing, making the proposal itself special is key. This will look different for every single couple, of course, as different people will want different things as a declaration of love. Some people, after all, want big and over the top while others will much prefer something that is small and relatively understated. The perfect proposal takes planning out, of course, but still contains that element of surprise for the party that is being proposed to. Obviously, marriage should have been a discussion for some time before a proposal ever occurs, as both parties in the couple should be on the same page when it comes to getting married in the future.
Aside from the proposal itself, having the right engagement ring is also quite important indeed. Fortunately, there is now a bigger variety of engagement rings to choose from than ever before. Custom ring design is also becoming more commonplace and highly sought after, as custom ring design allows you to make the best custom jewelry possible to fit the person that you’re proposing to. Again, time is key, and custom ring design should not be rushed. The custom jewelry design process can of course take longer than simply buying a ring, as there are many factors that can go into creating the ideal custom ring design – a custom ring design that will be loved for many years and stand the test of time.
For many people, this custom ring design will still include a diamond. Diamond jewelry is still quite hugely popular, especially when it come to diamond engagement or diamond wedding jewelry. In fact, diamond engagement rings alone, made through the process of custom ring design or without it, actually made up a full $5 billion of all jewelry sales in the United States over the course of just one year, according to data reflecting the year of 2012. Diamonds, after all, are quite precious indeed, found as far as a full 100 miles beneath the surface of our earth.
However, many original jewelry designs and people who decide to go through the custom ring design process are actually moving away from the use of diamonds for a number of reasons. Diamonds are classic, of course, and will never really go out of style, though some are looking for something a bit different. Fortunately, other precious gems are quite readily available and can provide a great alternative to to the typical diamond engagement ring. These gems can be ideal for someone who is looking for a little bit of uniqueness in their custom ring design, or even just someone who wants a little bit more color than the typical diamond ring can allow.
And many people are actually moving away from diamonds due to their expense. Unfortunately, engagement rings can be quite extraordinarily expensive indeed. As a matter of fact, the average cost of an engagement ring now actually exceeds $5,000. For the vast majority of people who might eventually seek to buy such a ring, this is a truly extraordinary cost indeed, there is no doubt about it. Fortunately, there are now more lower cost alternatives than ever – and these lower cost alternatives are often still very high in quality, especially if they have been made through the process of custom ring design.
Engagement rings will likely always be important, but more and more people are looking for a custom ring design to truly reflect their partner’s personality. Fortunately, such handcrafted jewelry has become more popular than ever and can even prove to be a cost effective alternative to getting the more traditional diamond engagement ring sold throughout the country.