How Social Media can Boost Fundraising Efforts

School spirit shirts

There are many ways that school can begin a fundraiser. Sometimes, there are specific products that are used to help a school raise money. However, apparel is often a great inclusion for any fundraiser. School spirit apparel gives student and faculty the chance to show their school pride.

It is common for schools to have a little difficulty getting the word out about a fundraiser. In this post, you will learn why social media has become an important tool to raise awareness about a fundraiser.

In the past, word of mouth was great for spreading the word about a fundraiser. In most cases, people would talk to friends and family about great fundraising products. The invention of the internet has helped to change the way that we communicate. One of the inventions that came about because of the internet is social media.

Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all examples of social media websites. These websites are great for increasing awareness about a fundraiser. For example, you can create social media pages for your school, if ones do not already exist. Research shows that 55 percent of those engaging with a nonprofit on social media were more likely to begin giving back to said organization.

If you have social media pages, posting about a fundraiser is a great start. You can also encourage those viewing your posts to start liking and sharing your post. Recent research shows that giving online increased by 13.5 percent in 2013.

Parents often spend time checking in on the social pages of their children’s school. Use this as an opportunity to make parents aware of the school spirit clothing offered by your school. School sports apparel for fundraising is often a popular idea.

Schools typically have sports programs that run through the entire school year. School sports apparel for fundraising can mean year round funding that can be desperately needed. No matter whether it is football, basketball, or wrestling seasons, school spirit gear is always a big hit!

In closing, social media can be great for boosting the popularity of a fundraiser. A study found that 9 out of 10 parents have bought a product to help support a school fundraiser. School sports apparel for fundraising is great because of the multiple sports programs a school typically employs.
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