Dont Do This When Youre Buying a Mattress!

Everybody know that a mattress can be the difference between an uncomfortable night and a fantastic night’s sleep. Our sleep affects our mood much more than we realize, so when it’s time to change your mattress, you need to take care in picking the right one for you. Mattresses come in a vast range of sizes, materials, and firmnesses. Before you settle on one, test out several at your local mattress store. For even more tips on how to pick the right mattress for you, this video takes us on a tour of a mattress store.

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First of all, don’t buy a mattress without first having the base to support it. Different sized mattresses come with different specifications, so consult your mattress salesman to ensure that you won’t have to return it later. Secondly, always lie across it to test the comfort. Sitting on a mattress won’t get you the same effect as laying on it, so don’t be embarrassed. Just go for it! It’ll pay off in the long run when you find the best fit for you. Finally, don’t buy a mattress just for the price. Everyone is different, and price is not indicative of your own personal comfort.
