Do you have a closet full of clothes that you’re not entirely sure what to do with? Clothes that are too small, too big, or even just not your typical taste anymore? If you find yourself as one of these people than perhaps it is time to go through your items and figure out if some of those clothing items should be put into a donation box to benefit those who are less fortunate, or even to give those clothes that you once liked enough to buy a second chance at being someone else’s favorite item of clothing.
Making a charitable donation could help families in need that may not have had the ability to get that warmer or cooler clothing otherwise. Not to mention by going through the clothing in your closet and getting ready to put it out for donation you are also making it so that less textiles get stuck out at the landfills and instead they get re used to create a greener environment.
However, here are some things to keep in mind when you do put those items out for donation pick up or even when you bring them to a location yourself.
Check Your Clothing First
Don’t give away that clothing that is stained ripped or worn out. It will not be given to a new home it will instead be thrown out. If you were receiving clothing second hand you wouldn’t want them to have marks on them that you cannot get out. Instead, look into donation guidelines and make sure to look through your used clothing before you make charitable donations in order to be sure that the items you’re willing to part with are the right ones that will be given to a new home. Any items with tears and stains should be disposed of by other means.
Ways To Donate
There are many ways to follow donation guidelines and bring those used clothing items to other places. There are charities that pick up clothing donations and there are also clothing bins that you can bring your bags full of items to that will be picked up and sorted through a couple of times a week. All of these ways of helping families in need, there are no excuses to not go through your clothing items and find a way of passing those clothing donations along.
Not Just Charitable Donations
Donating used clothing goes beyond putting things in a bag and giving it away. In fact, when you donate used clothes you even find yourself earing a tax break for those items that you no longer want. When it comes to doing your taxes you are able to report what you’ve given away to charity and receive a little bit of that back all because of your ways of giving back to charity. This will help in driving you to by more clothes and doing all of this again for the next year.
So if you have many items in your closet that you just don’t know what to do with anymore and that you no longer want. Look into those donation guidelines and get to bringing those items that you no longer want or cannot fit into any longer to a place that is going to help you give back to your community and help others instead. Giving to charity will benefit not only you, but those who are in need of the items you no longer want as well.