This video instructs how to create incredible designs for personal or professional projects using the popular online tool, Canva. T shirt designs are great ways to express yourself and look good. However, finding the right words or images for your t-shirt design can be challenging.
If you’re struggling with ideas for creating a unique shirt for marketing or fun, Canva has everything you need to get started. Canva design tool is free, anyone can use it to craft outstanding designs. It has a massive library of images and fonts that you can use to create your designs. Its large selection of templates is perfect for creating shirt designs.
Canva allows you to create professional designs for your business, blog, or social media profiles in minutes. Choose one of the images from your computer or search online for one you want to use as a background image for your t-shirt design. Use the drag-and-drop feature to add text boxes anywhere on Canva. You can amend the font size or color in each text box by clicking on it. It’s ideal for both beginners and pros alike because they don’t involve learning complicated design software.