Right now in the United States, just about 95% of Americans participate at some level of charitable giving. This is because people believe in giving to others. Plus, for people who give donations for non profit organizations, there have been proven health benefits. This is because it makes people feel good and that can affect the functionality of someone’s health.
The average American citizen will throw away 82 pounds of textile waste every single year. This textile waste can include instruments for eating and even food as well. Throwing away clothes is so awful because this is one of the many items that can be donated to people across the United States through donations for non profit organizations. Here are all the facts that surround donations for non profit organizations.
The United States will generate nearly 25 billion pounds of brand new textiles per year, according to information released by the Council for Textile Recycling. The 15% that does not go to landfills will be included in donations for-profit organizations. These profit organizations can include Goodwill, Salvation Army, and any other secondhand type of stores.
An estimated 80% of donated clothing in the United States is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, and for funding. One of the most popular forms of donations for non profit organizations included the Purple Heart foundation which is a huge deal. The Purple Heart is a United States military decoration given in the name of the President to those wounded or killed while they are serving in the military.
Recent research has revealed that nearly 12 million tons of clothing and textile waste is thrown out across America every single year. The unemployment rate for veterans in the United States is 2% above the national average for regular citizens. So if you want to make sure that you take care of people who need help, think about the Purple Heart Foundation to get help to veterans. That is a great way to make sure you provide donations to non profit organizations.
The average person in the United States will generate almost 4 and a half pounds of trash each day in their lives. Over the course of the year, this will end up equating to about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year. So this would be great to take this waste and give it to donations for non profit organizations.
Charities that pick up clothing donations are a great way to make sure you give donations for non profit organizations. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 75% of all solid waste is recyclable and that only about 30% is ever actually recycled. The average American purchases 10 pounds of previously used clothing each year in the United States.
In 2007, an estimated $5.8 billion worth of clothing related donations were made to charity foundations in the United States. So in that year, it is clear a lot of people gave donations for non profit organizations. This is a great trend that works to help give to people who really need help.
The recovery rate for used clothing and textiles in 2011 was an estimated 15.3% in the United States. In 2011, an estimated 2 million tons of clothing and textiles were recycled or donated to charity in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an estimated 207,000 recent veterans were unable to find work in March of 2013.
In Conclusion
If you are someone who wants to give to donations for non profit organizations then you should definitely do so. There are people who will receive tremendous benefits from these actions. They will be able to get textile items like clothing that they previously could not own. So there are so many great reasons for you to get involved with donations for non profit organizations.