When it comes to home improvement tips, there is plenty of useful information out there, and also some stunning myths.
Roofing is no exception, and sometimes homeowners fall prey to the roofing myths that can float around like a nasty flu bug. You don’t have to fall victim to those myths, but you won’t know which ones to avoid if you don’t know what they are. So, we’re here to help you out.
Here are the roofing myths that have to be debunked and the right way to take care of your roof.
MYTH: You Can Repair Your Roof
While some will think they can fix their roof on their own, this is a huge roofing myth and is highly not recommended.
Going “DIY-Style” in your roof could easily lead to a botched job that will lead to roof failures, which will cost you even more money out of your pocketbook. That’s why it’s best that, if you have any sort of trouble with your roof, you should call a roofing company to come out and fix your roof.
MYTH: The Darker The Shingles, The Higher The Electric Bill
For most roofing professionals, this is a common myth that gets spread around like mayo on a ham and cheese sandwich.
Many may attribute this myth to the fact that dark colors absorb heat, which will warm your house, which will, in turn, lead to your air conditioner working overtime, raising your electricity bill. While it is true that dark colors absorb heat, it doesn’t mean that your utility bill will be rising.
Your attic is insulated and vented, which reduces the amount of heat that comes into your home from the roof. So the next time anyone says that you will have a higher utility bill because of the color of your shingles, don’t listen to it.
MYTH: A New Roof Doesn’t Need Maintenance
Oh God, this roofing myth should be thrown out the door and ran over by a tractor-trailer.
While your new roof will work better for you, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have it maintained for any length of time. Even with a new roof, several things can go wrong with your roof. Oh, and you have to take into account storms, which can seriously do damage to your roof.
Whether you have a new roof that’s two months old or one that’s 12 years old, it is always imperative that you get your roof inspected and maintained. Getting your new roof checked out will help keep the integrity of your roof for a long period than leaving it alone and taking your chances.
MYTH: Go Ahead, And Put New Shingles Over Your Old Ones, It’s Fine
Have shingles that are damaged and should be replaced? Most people will tell you that it’s perfectly fine to install new shingles over old ones, which will save you some money in the long run.
This is yet another one of those roofing myths that you shouldn’t pay attention to.
Sure, you will save a bit of coin by not having to pluck out your old shingles, but according to Perry Roofing, those short-term savings don’t add up in the long run and will even wind up costing you even more money in the future. That’s because a roof can only take so many shingles pilling on top of each other. It is called pounds per square inch (PSI), and the heavy amount of weight your roof will have from multiple layers of shingles could cause substantial structural damage to your roof.
So it may be wiser to spend the extra money and take the old, damaged shingles off and replaced them with new ones. You will save more money in the end.
MYTH: All Shingles Are The Same
Uh, no, this is another one of those roofing myths that should be ignored.
Yes, asphalt shingles are made from similar materials, but that doesn’t mean that they’re the same. You can look at a store-brand box of corn flakes and the name-brand kind and think they’re the same, but they’re not. The same goes for asphalt shingles.
What separates the shingles are the quality. The shingles come in a variety of colors and textures and don’t get us started on the different brands of asphalt shingles, all of which can be made differently. That is why you should contact commercial roofers and ask them about the different types of asphalt shingles if you ever need them replaced.
Never think that all shingles are the same. You may wind up regretting your choice in the long run.
MYTH: Don’t Contract A Roofing Contractor For Light Repairs
In some ways, this ties into the “DIY-style” or roofing that is strongly not advised.
Homeowners want to save some money while fixing their homes, and roofs are no different. If they see that it’s a minor issue, then some people may caution homeowners against calling commercial roofing contractors to come in a fix minor issues with your roof, citing that the cost is “too high.”
As we mentioned before, if there are any issues with your roof, you should call roofers to come in a do the job, even if it’s a minor issue. Please, do not attempt to fix your roof on your own, which could very well lead to further damage to your roof.
MYTH: No Leaky Roof? No Problem!
It is no secret that water is an enemy of a roof, and a leaky roof is often a sign of problems that are to come.
However, a leaky roof is just one of the numerous issues that your roof can have. Just because you don’t see leaks doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get your roof checked out. Your roof can have extensive damage to it, and not a drop of water will come from it.
While a leaky roof is a good barometer as to how much damage your roof has, it is still best to get your roof inspected by a contractor who can spot deficiencies within your roof.
MYTH: Metal Roofs Kill Your Home’s Resale Value
There is a litany of things that can murder your home’s resale value, but a metal roof is not one of them.
In reality, a metal roof increases the value of a home, not decrease it. The reason behind this is the longevity and sustainability a metal roof has over an asphalt shingles roof. According to Yahoo News, a metal roof will bring back almost half of the initial installation cost.
So maybe it will pay off, in the long run, to get metal roofing installed on your home to increase its value.
MYTH: Your Metal Roof Will Make Your Home Warmer
Your roof plays a role in keeping your house warm in the winter.
Most people will gravitate to a metal roof with the belief that it will keep their roof even warmer in the winter. The truth of the matter is, it’s not your roof that determines how warm and comfy your house becomes, but the insulation within your home. A properly insulated home will keep your house nice and toasty. Not only that, but it could preserve your roof for up to 20 years. However, a metal roof can be better at keeping the warm air in your home from seeping outside.
There are many positives to buying a metal roof, from its longevity to its sustainability. However, as much as many want to believe that a metal roof will keep their homes warmer in the winter, that is simply not the case and is a huge roofing myth.
MYTH: Repairing A Roof Is Expensive
This is a roofing myth that many homeowners should dismiss.
Yes, it will cost you a bit of money to repair damages to your roof, but it doesn’t have to cost you an arm-and-a-leg to make the needed repairs. There is plenty of residential roof installation contractors in your town that can do a great job fixing your roof for an affordable price.
Believing in this myth can have dire consequences for your home. It can keep you from doing the needed repairs to the roof, which will become even more problematic and sustain damage that could very well lead to you having to have your roof replaced entirely.
Don’t buy into the myth that it’s expensive to repair your roof. Some contractors are expensive, but most are not, and you should always engage in price shopping before settling on a contractor to repair your roof.
MYTH: No Serious Snow Storm Means My Roof Will Be Fine
OK, so you lucked out on not having a bad winter storm, which is great. However, it doesn’t mean that you will be out of the woods when it comes to your roof, and by no means should you use that as a barometer as to if you need repairs to your roof.
If you find a problem, it’s best to solve it at that moment because the problem can grow and fester into something much bigger. That goes for your roof as well. During your fall home inspection (which you should do before the onslaught of winter comes), you should always have your roof checked to see if there are any problems or defects.
If so, get it fixed so that it won’t be a problem in the winter. Never take a chance with your roof, as those problems can lead to structural damage throughout the house, and that is an entire can of worms that you don’t want to deal with.
Do not let roofing problems fester, which could cost you even more money in the end. If you spot a problem with your roof, get it fixed. This is one of those roofing myths that you should never leave it up to chance.
MYTH: A Metal Roof Can Stop Ice Dams
As much as we all want to believe this, it is simply not true and is one of those roofing myths that you should avoid.
Having a metal roof is just as susceptible to winter weather as an asphalt shingle roof, which also means that ice dams can form on your metal roof as well. The best way to have control over this situation is to make sure that your attic has the proper ventilation and insulation needed to prevent these dams, which, when melted, can cause your roof to leak.
MYTH: A Flat Roof Has More Leakage
Look, if you have a roof over your head, there is a possibility that it can suffer leaks.
Having flat roofing doesn’t mean that your roof will leak more than a sloped roof. It can leak more if the roof isn’t installed properly, which is why you should choose the best contractor. A plus side to flat roofs is that these types of roofs have preventive leak protection and can be waterproof. Is it enough to keep leaks from invading your flat roof? Not really, because as we stated earlier, all roofs can suffer from leaks. However, if it’s been installed properly then a flat roof can minimize the risk of leakage.
As a famous rapper said back in the day, don’t believe the hype, and we’ll add to it by saying don’t believe those roofing myths.
In the end, all of these roofing myths have something in common with one another. That common feature is that it comes from people who don’t know or understand the facts surrounding roofing and roof replacement.
When you have people who don’t understand the facts, roofing myths can pop up and spread like wildfire, especially in the age of social media, where misinformation can spread with ease. The best way to separate the facts from the noise is to call a professional and ask them about all of your roofing needs.
Ask them about asphalt paving or damages that you may not be able to detect. If you have issues with installing solar panels on your roof, consult solar contractors for information. Don’t turn to just anybody for advice, especially ones who only get their information from hearsay.
Ignoring roofing myths will go a long way to ensuring that your roof is working the way it should. It sucks to having roofing issues, but if you block out the noise and trust professionals, you, your roof, and your home should be OK in the long run.
Don’t believe the roofing myths. If you have issues with your roof, always call a professional. Most will not steer you wrong.